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Article: People With Unbelievable Life Transformation Stories Because Of Vegan / Plant Based Diet

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Vegan Diet

People With Unbelievable Life Transformation Stories Because Of Vegan / Plant Based Diet

It's said that whatever we eat shows on our body and affects our mind. That means eating healthy can make a remarkable difference in our body.

Cutting out animal and dairy products is a great way to minimize animal cruelty and positively help the environment. 

Many celebrities have turned vegan and adopted a healthy lifestyle to get that fit body and better health. Apart from big celebs, a plant-based diet has transformed many people's lives.

Here in this blog, we will get to know about these people whose life has changed for the better after going vegan. Some have gained tremendous health benefits, battled health ailments, and experienced a major breakthrough.

If you are looking for some inspiration to start your vegan journey, then this blog is for you.

1. Angela Liddon:

Angela Liddon


After turning vegan Angela established a harmonious relationship with her food through a plant-based diet. Along her way she started a blog called Oh She Glows to share her journey with others. Her blog has been a hit and now gets over 4 million views a month.

She has also written two New York Times bestseller cookbooks.

2. Will.I.Am:



Hip-hop star, actor, musician, and The Black-eyed Peas member underwent a huge transformation after going vegan.

In his social media, he mentioned that he lost weight, lowered blood pressure, cholesterol, and improved his health. All thanks to a plant-based diet.

Now he calls himself a ‘militant vegan’ and ’has become an advocate for the animal, Veganism, and the environment.

3. Joey Carbstrong:

Joey Carbstrong


This Australian activist transformed from a former drug addict and prisoner to a vegan.

He has gone through a breakthrough in terms of his lifestyle and choices, which has altered his course of life.

He faced many controversies and was seen in a negative light, but this doesn’t stop him. Now he has become an advocate for animals. , mentor for other activists, and a well-known public speaker.

4. Dr. Brooke:

Dr. Brooke


Goldner battled lupus with a plant-based diet. She was diagnosed with lupus when she was 16. She noticed that all her lupus symptoms subsided after going on a plant-based diet. Now she is a medical professional and lupus free.

5. Derek Simnett:

Derek Simnett


He has set an example for vegans who are fitness freaks. This YouTuber was able to build muscle on a vegan diet.

Earlier, as a certified nutritional practitioner, he was a lean athlete and used to focus more on cardio.

Following the trend, he opted for a vegan diet and training and in two years became an ultra -muscular strength trainer. Later, he promoted the benefits of a vegan diet and lifestyle.

6. Chris Wark:

Chris Wark


He was diagnosed with 3c colon cancer at the age of 26. After this, he switched to a whole-food plant-based diet. He refused chemo and just relied on the diet for a cure.

He has battled cancer with his determination and healthy lifestyle changes. He is now a founder of Chris Beat Cancer and Square one online initiatives. Here he shares his story and helps others.

7. Bianca Taylor:

Bianca Taylor


The fitness guru, Instagram star and animal advocate Bianca Taylor experience major changes after being vegan. 

Earlier, she used to eat chicken multiple times a day for her body-building, but soon she realized how her diet will affect the world around her.

Later, she adopted Veganism and became an outspoken animal rights advocate. This has gained her a lot of popularity on social media.

8. Fiona Oakes:

Fiona Oakes


Another woman with an amazing story. She has been vegan all her life. As a child, she had to undergo multiple surgeries which led to the loss of kneecap at the age of 17.

The Doctors gave up hope and nearly declared her disabled. But, she rose, not only walked, but she became an all-star athlete.

Oaks holds records in extreme endurance races. She has twice finished Marathon des Sables -an Ultramarathon that takes place in the Sahara Desert.

She also owns an animal sanctuary where she takes care of numerous animals.

9. Rich Rolls:

Rich Rolls


His story has appeared in both vegan and mainstream media.

In the past, he underwent an emotional turmoil and started drinking. For this, he had to go into rehab to quit drinking.

His next nine years were not a bed of roses. Soon he started gaining weight and became overweight by the time he hit 40. Later, he realized and practiced a vegan lifestyle and transformed into a successful athlete.

He was named the World’s Fittest by Men’s Health Magazine this year. Also, became an author, podcast host, and ultra-athlete.

10. Nina and Randa Nelson:

Nina and Randa Nelson


Nina and Randa are twins who have a unique transformational story to share. Since birth, they were vegan, but later in life, they developed severe cystic acne.Later, this affected their career and personal lives.

They took a firm step and changed their lifestyle. Following the advice of plant-based physician John McDougall, they switched to a low fat, oil-free plant-based diet. This healed their skin and cured acne.

They regained their confidence and happiness and later released a book to help people to choose a vegan diet and lifestyle.

So, these were some amazing people who have reaped the benefits of Veganism. We hope they have inspired you to kick-start your vegan journey.

If you have something similar to share, kindly share your story. It will be great to know about your vegan journey.

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