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Vegan handbags for women

Vegan Handbags for Women - Conscious Carrying

Vegan handbags for women
Vegan Handbags for Women

Vegan Handbags for Women - Conscious Carrying

The sharp rise in popularity of veganism has birthed a new ethical fashion revolution. Vegan fashion has been gaining momentum all around the globe. Paris has seen a 132% year-on-year increase in v...

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luxury vegan watches

Vegan - The Next Big Thing in the Fashion Industry

A few years ago, whenever we used to hear the word vegan, we would picture an animal lover who prefers a plant-based diet. Some really found such a lifestyle boring.  But, the definition of vegan h...

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Choose luxury vegan watches
luxury vegan watches

Be Compassionate - Choose Luxury Vegan Watches!

You might have noticed that everyone around you is going vegan these days.  Well, Vegan is the new black. People want to preserve the environment and contribute ethically against cruelty towards an...

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vegan watches


VEGANISM IS NOT JUST A DIETVeganism, as a philosophy of life, is not just about saying no to animal food. It’s a choice. The way we express ourselves is more than words, and it has always been that...

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Latest LGBTQ Movies

10 Latest LGBTQ Movies to Watch If You’re Still Quarantining

Can’t go out for Pride this year? Still, home quarantining? We’ve got some great flicks for you in Pride Month. We’ve picked the latest LGBTQ movies just for you.  Elisa and Marcela Image Credit: ...

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Animal Rights Activist

Who Is Animal Rights Activist Tash Peterson aka V-gan Booty?

Tash Peterson is 26 years old and an animal rights activist based in Perth, Australia. Tash loves animals and is willing to do anything to protect them. She has become pretty famous and has made it...

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5 Timeless Ways to Sport Men's Watches
Faux leather watch

5 Timeless Ways to Sport Men's Watches

Men’s wrist watches never go out of style. This is something that holds true even in an age where everyone has a cell phone more expensive than the last. That is because a watch isn’t simply a time...

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5 Things You Should Know About the Pride Month
LGBTQ(IA) community

5 Things You Should Know About the Pride Month

It's June 2020. And despite the havoc that Covid19 is playing with the world, there is some solid spirit that again rejoices in its existence. Yes, it’s Pride Month. But, mind you, it’s not just ab...

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Animal Movies
5 latest pro-animal movies

5 Latest Movies for Animal Lovers to Watch in Quarantine

Can you imagine a world without animals? I can’t. And I can’t recall a time during my life when there weren’t great animal movies to watch. While I grew up on ones like Bambi, there are so many goo...

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LGBTQ community

7 LGBTQ Vegans Who are Making a Difference

It's encouraging to see that the world is now gearing up to accept the LGBTQ community but sadly there is still considerable resistance towards it in society. It's not uncommon that an awful lot of...

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